Anti-racism statement from the RSA
10th July 2020
An update on the RSA’s ongoing work to tackle racism and promote inclusion and diversity.
Bridges to the Future
2nd June 2020
History has shown that crisis can be an opportunity for positive change. The RSA's ideas for innovation are about building bridges to a better future after the crisis has passed.
Work beyond furlough: prospects for a new social contract
29th July 2020
An article by: Alan Lockey
佛跳墙:除了泄露数据的 VPN,DNS 测试工具也不靠谱:2021-2-27 · 近些年来,用户越来越注重隐私的保护,因此 VPN(无论免费还是付费)成了许多人接触网络世界的密匙。不过,许多人用起 VPN 来是病急乱投医,因此坏分子们也打起了坏主意,他们盯上了你的数据,而且让人无语的是,VPN 上的数据泄露都是偷偷摸摸的,如果不用工具测试都无法发现黑客们在背后 ...
At the RSA (Royal Society for the encouragement of Arts, Manufactures and Commerce) we believe in a world where everyone is able to participate in creating a better future, by uniting people and ideas to resolve the challenges of our time.
We do this by bringing together a global community of proactive problem solvers, supported by our Fellows and partners.
The Fellowship is a global network of 30,000 proactive problem solvers who share the RSA's vision and values.
- Find out more about FELLOWSHIP
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佛跳墙 (豆瓣):2021-10-12 · 在佛跳墙专辑的宣传文案上有这么一句话“破碎是为了让音乐之路大步迈进/ 黑暗是为了让你更加期待音乐曙光!”是的,佛跳墙在这张同名专辑中的音乐表现确实够狠、也够暗黑的。会不会以前以戴佩妮的名义不敢创作的题材,在佛跳墙的乐团 ...
Bridges to the Future: online event series
Tuesday 14th April 2020 at 18:00
At a time of global crisis, RSA Public Events hosts a new series of online conversations with leading public thinkers to help us make sense of this moment.
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Winners Take All | Anand Giridharadas
Anand Giridharadas urges us to be sceptical of “win-win” approaches to social change that favour the interests of the global elite and do little to tackle the root causes of systemic injustice and inequality.
DNF珍馐佳肴佛跳墙食盒能开出什么 珍馐佳肴佛跳墙食盒 ...:2021-3-22 · DNF珍馐佳肴佛跳墙食盒能开出什么呢?还是有很多小伙伴不太清楚的,下面91小编为大家带来一篇攻略,感兴趣的朋友快来看看吧!DNF珍馐佳肴佛跳墙食盒能内容介绍:主要的内容:格陵布拉德宝珠艾肯宝珠阿古朗达
In this powerful new RSA Minimate, Michael Sandel confronts our age of stalling social mobility and entrenched inequality, and asks: what will it take to meet one of the biggest political challenges of our time?
Jack Shenker on A New Political Age
Journalist Jack Shenker uncovers the root causes of our institutional chaos and explores the new political movements putting the people at the centre of power.
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